Dundee Road, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 4BS

01782 235711





Etruscan Primary School is part of Orchard Community Trust and follows their mandatory polices for the following areas, which can be accessed by clicking the link here: Trust Documentation


Anti-Fraud, Bribery and Corruption Policy

Conflicts of Interest Policy

Financial Regulations and Scheme of Financial Delegation

Master Funding Agreement

Reserves Policy

Trust Commercial Card Policy

Data Protection:

Information Commissioners Office (ICO) Model Publication Scheme

Published Guide to Information

Data Protection Policy

Privacy Notice for Governors, Trustees and Other Volunteers

Privacy Notice for Parents and Carers

Privacy Notice for Pupils

Privacy Notice for the Trust Workforce

Etruscan Primary School Consent form for Photography in school.pdf

Other Policies:


Confidential Reporting (Whistleblowing) Procedure

Environmental Policy

Late Collection Policy

Guidance related to Section 89 of the Education and Inspections Act 2006, Behaviour and Discipline in Schools can be located by following this link: https://assets.publishing.serv...

Managing Serial and Unreasonable Complaints

Safer Recruitment